Classes, objects and the loop of life

As soon as I stood up this morning, and also the reason for why I got up that early, I immediately wrote down ideas for my current programming project. I woke up with so many great ideas for the program, thanks “sleep”! The program/game I am working on is as of today playable! It is a type of Sissy Fight (social game), so far it’s only playable by hotseat (players take turns on the same computer).

Also, today I have learned alot about classes and objects. I followed tutorials, played around with it on my own, got some help from a classmate (Oliver Bolt <3) and finally applied the new knowledge into my Sissy Fight game! It took a while to convert my old sillyness with this new freshness.

Life as a programmer is a while-loop and it goes something like this:


Today was a good day.

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